Device for the treatment of prostatitis: indications, contraindications, types of devices

Prostatitis is a disease that can affect a person at almost any age. The problem is quite intimate, which is why the patient often begins prostatitis in acute or chronic form or begins self-medication. However, this approach is fundamentally wrong. A visit to the doctor is mandatory, but accompanying devices, such as devices for the treatment of prostatitis, are good with complex treatment and with the permission of the doctor.

Normal and inflamed prostate


When buying a treatment device at home, the patient often does not think that this device is not suitable for everyone.This is not a slot machine, so the recovery process with this machine should be treated as therapeutic therapy.

The device is suitable for the following categories of patients:

  • in the initial stage;
  • in violation of blood flow in the pelvis.

In all other cases, the device as a means of treatment has a place, but only with an integrated approach, then the therapy can be considered effective.


The hardware effect on any of the human systems without special knowledge can become destructive, so it should be applied after consultation with a specialist or doctor, and also be sure to read the instructions for use. Remember that in the event of an independent decision to use the device, you are personally responsible for the consequences.

There are also contraindications to devices for the treatment of prostatitis:

  • any form of hemorrhoids;
  • damage in the area of operation of the device;
  • oncology;
  • disorders of the circulatory system;
  • prostate stones;
  • deterioration of the prostate or urinary system.
In prostate cancer, the use of devices for the treatment of prostatitis is prohibited

Types of devices

Household appliances are divided into three groups -rectal, transurethral, non-invasive. . . There are 4 ways to affect the prostate gland:

  • magnetic pulse;
  • electrical impulse;
  • vibration stimulating;
  • ultrasound.

Each device, no matter what the group, acts on the canals, so that the stagnation breaks down, the secretion comes out and the swelling disappears.

Vibration stimulation

One of the popular household appliances for complex treatment of prostatitis is the vibration stimulating device. The device works transrectally. At home it is convenient because it is equipped with a timer, and also helps not only with prostatitis.

The principle of operation is that the device radiates heat, which activates the local blood circulation in the prostate.

After normalization of blood circulation, secretory leakage is released, which leads to a reduction of congestion and inflammation. Therefore, the urethra returns to normal and spasms and pain of various kinds are eliminated.


The most popular device for electrical stimulation improves blood flow to the prostate, removes stagnant secretions, opens the urethra, which helps relieve the inflammatory process.

The device has some contraindications for use:

  • any diseases of the circulatory system;
  • complications of any disease;
  • the patient's pacemaker.

It is allowed to use for people who have no contraindications to a course of 15 minutes once a day for 10 days, after which you can rest for a while and, if your condition improves, continue the course as desired.

Magnetic therapy

The magnetic therapy device is considered to be the most effective device because after the third use the patient feels significant improvements in his condition. The device works due to the magnetic field and vacuum. Under the influence of the device, the microcirculation of the blood in the small pelvis is improved, and the tissues of the prostate gland are also massaged. As a result, the stagnant secretion gradually disappears, the inflammation decreases, the number of damaged cells and tissues decreases and they recover.

The device is good because it can be easily used alone at home, and there are no definite contraindications.


One of the devices for vacuum operation is a device that works a little differently than the previous ones. Here the device is placed on the penis and exposed to a predetermined pressure - vacuum, as well as magnetic fields.

The vacuum action gives the following:

  • improving the microcirculation of blood circulation in the gland;
  • tissue swelling is removed;
  • stagnant secret leaves;
  • restoration of painless urination.

The device can be used for its intended purpose at home, but before use you must choose the intensity of use with a specialist.The main course of physiotherapy is 10 days, but if you wish, you can increase it after that.


A device with a vibrating effect on the prostate works in three main directions.

  1. reduces hypoxia due to magnetic radiation, which stimulates metabolic processes in cells;
  2. micromassage is performed, which improves the flow of lymph, which gradually gives a normal blood supply to the body;
  3. the secretion leaves and the gland returns to normal.

The device has contraindications for independent use at home:

  • neoplasms of the prostate and nearby organs;
  • diseases of the circulatory system;
  • acute form of the disease;
  • the presence of stones in the prostate;
  • the patient's pacemaker.

The device can be used in a course of 10 repetitions within two months. It should also be used on an empty stomach and with medications prescribed by a urologist that improve the efficiency of using the device.


Of course, the device can only be used for its intended purpose, but there are some other limitations:

  • Improper use.
  • It is strictly forbidden to use any of the devices in exacerbation of prostatitis and in its acute form. You can also not use in acute forms of other diseases of the prostate gland.
  • The use of the tuberculosis device in any form is prohibited.
  • It is forbidden to use in cancer of the pelvic organs: rectum, prostate.
  • It is unacceptable to use devices for inflammation in the rectum, nodules, cracks, hemorrhoids.
  • Some of the devices cannot be used if the patient has a pacemaker.
  • Do not use devices for diseases of the circulatory system.
  • The presence of prostate stones is also a significant limitation.
The presence of stones in the prostate is a limitation on the use of devices

Restrictions should not be ignored in any way, as use in the presence of contraindications can provoke other diseases, inflammations and even surgery.

Choice of tool

You may have liked a device from online reviews or word of mouth. However, you can't rush to the pharmacy and buy it with your eyes closed online. Be sure to consult your doctor before purchasing. Yes, the topic is quite intimate and delicate, but in case of reluctance and shame, men start their problem, so that later no device can help, and the problem is solved surgically.

The choice of the device must correspond to the individual characteristics of the given male body. Therefore, only a qualified professional can select the device.

Results from using the device

Each of the selected devices has approximately the same spectrum of action.

  1. Improves the blood supply to the prostate gland and pelvic organs.
  2. Eliminate stagnant secretions and accumulated fluid due to their influence.
  3. Therefore, the inflammatory processes disappear and the swelling of the tissues is removed.
  4. Reduces swelling of prostate tissue as well as the urethra.
  5. Muscles are toned and stimulated for productive work.
  6. Urination is normalized as pain and urinary problems are eliminated.
  7. Erection and ejaculation are restored, which returns a man's sex life to normal.
  8. The patient's psychological condition also normalizes.
The use of machines to treat prostatitis improves an erection and a man's sex life

It is worth remembering that you take responsibility for the use of any of the devices without consulting a doctor. The consequences of improperly selected device or improper operation can lead to exacerbation of the condition and accelerate the course of the disease.

Talk to your healthcare professional about which device is right for your particular case and whether there are any valuable instructions on how best to use it.The devices can be used only in complex therapy. Without treatment, the desired effect of the drug caused by the use of the device itself will not be.

Under no circumstances should you ignore even the barely audible symptoms of prostatitis, as the chronic disease can be completely asymptomatic and become an unpleasant surprise for the man. At the first symptoms or hints of them, consult a specialist.

  1. pain during urination and bowel movements;
  2. increased desire to go to the toilet, especially at night;
  3. weak flow;
  4. not completely empty bladder;
  5. erection and ejaculation problems;
  6. deterioration of the quality of sexual intercourse;
  7. irritability, fatigue, nervousness;
  8. decreased libido.

If you have one or more symptoms, make an appointment with your doctor and do not delay your consultation. Take care of yourself and your health!